AlgebraOfGraphics.AbstractDrawable Type
Abstract type encoding objects that can be drawn via AlgebraOfGraphics.draw
AlgebraOfGraphics.AbstractAlgebraic Type
AbstractAlgebraic <: AbstractDrawable
Abstract type encoding objects that can be combined together using +
and *
AlgebraOfGraphics.Layer Type
Layer(transformation, data, positional::AbstractVector, named::AbstractDictionary)
Algebraic object encoding a single layer of a visualization. It is composed of a dataset, positional and named arguments, as well as a transformation to be applied to those. Layer
objects can be multiplied, yielding a novel Layer
object, or added, yielding a AlgebraOfGraphics.Layers
AlgebraOfGraphics.Layers Type
Algebraic object encoding a list of AlgebraOfGraphics.Layer
objects. Layers
objects can be added or multiplied, yielding a novel Layers
AlgebraOfGraphics.zerolayer Function
Returns a Layers
with an empty layer list which can act as a zero in the layer algebra.
layer * zerolayer() ~ zerolayer()
layer + zerolayer() ~ layer
AlgebraOfGraphics.ProcessedLayer Type
Process a Layer
and return the resulting ProcessedLayer
Note that this method should not be used anymore as processing a Layer
can now potentially return multiple ProcessedLayer
objects. Therefore, you should use the plural form ProcessedLayers(layer)
AlgebraOfGraphics.ProcessedLayers Type
Object encoding a list of AlgebraOfGraphics.ProcessedLayer
objects. ProcessedLayers
objects are the output of the processing pipeline and can be drawn without further processing.
AlgebraOfGraphics.Entry Type
Entry(plottype::PlotType, positional::Arguments, named::NamedArguments)
Define plottype as well as positional and named arguments for a single plot.
sourceAlgebraOfGraphics.AxisEntries Type
AxisEntries(axis::Union{Axis, Nothing}, entries::Vector{Entry}, categoricalscales, continuousscales)
Define all ingredients to make plots on an axis. Each categorical scale should be a CategoricalScale
, and each continuous scale should be a ContinuousScale