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v0.10.2 - 2025-03-31

  • Revert accidental docstring changes #638.

v0.10.1 - 2025-03-31

  • Changed default limits of categorical axes such that all categories are always visible and widthless plots are not squished into the borders #636.

  • Added better error messages for the common case of failing to construct single element NamedTuples in calls like draw(axis = (key = value)) #630.

  • Fixed bug when color or markersize mappings had singular limits by expanding the limits to (0, v), (-v, 0) or (0, 1) #634.

v0.10.0 - 2025-03-30

  • Breaking: The colorbar! function now returns a Vector{Colorbar} with zero or more entries. Before it would return Union{Nothing,Colorbar}, but now it's possible to draw more than one colorbar if there are multiple colorscales #628.

  • Breaking: filled_contours does not create a legend by default but a colorbar. The colorbar can be disabled again by setting, e.g., scales(Color = (; colorbar = false)) #628.

  • Breaking: Changed the behavior of the from_continuous palette in combination with a scale consisting of Bins. Colors will now be sampled relative to the positions of their bins' midpoints, meaning that smaller bins that lie closer together have more similar colors. The previous behavior with colors sampled evenly can be regained by using from_continuous(cmap; relative = false) #628.

  • Added the ability to display a colorbar for categorical color scales. The colorbar normally consists of evenly spaced, labelled sections, one for each category. In the special case that the data values of the categorical scale are of type Bin, the colorbar displays each bin's color at the correct numerical positions #628.

  • Added the clipped function which is primarily meant to set highclip and lowclip colors on top of categorical color palettes, for use with categorical scales with Bins if those bins extend to plus/minus infinity #628.

v0.9.7 - 2025-03-28

  • Added wrapped convenience function for the Layout scale palette which allows to cap either rows or columns and change layout direction #625.

  • Replaced unnecessary show_labels keyword for Row, Col and Layout scales with

  • Fixed hiding of duplicate axis labels in unlinked layouts of either only col or only row #623.

v0.9.6 - 2025-03-26

  • Added support for input data with units attached, either through Unitful.jl or DynamicQuantities.jl extensions, available from Julia 1.9 on #619.

  • The provisional MarkerSize tick calculation method is replaced with Makie's default tick finder WilkinsonTicks. Ticks and tickformat can be changed using the new ticks and tickformat scale options #621.

  • Added plottype argument to histogram to allow for different plot types #591.

v0.9.5 - 2025-03-14

  • Added mergeable(layer.plottype, layer.primary) function, intended for extension by third-party packages that define recipes #592.

v0.9.4 - 2025-03-08

  • Added internal copy of the Palmer Penguins dataset to AoG to reduce friction in the intro tutorials, accessible via the AlgebraOfGraphics.penguins() function #613.

v0.9.3 - 2025-02-12

  • Fixed use of from_continuous with colormap specifications like (colormap, alpha) #603.

v0.9.2 - 2025-02-03

  • Fixed data(...) * mapping(col => func => label => scale) label-extraction bug #596.

v0.9.1 - 2025-01-31

  • Fixed passing axis keyword to draw(::Pagination, ...) #595.

v0.9.0 - 2025-01-30

  • Breaking: paginate now splits facet plots into pages after fitting scales and not before #593. This means that, e.g., categorical color mappings are consistent across pages where before each page could have a different mapping if some groups were not represented on a given page. This change also makes pagination work with the split X and Y scales feature enabled by version 0.8.14. paginate's return type changes from PaginatedLayers to Pagination because no layers are stored in that type anymore. The interface to use Pagination with draw and other functions doesn't change compared to PaginatedLayers. paginate now also accepts an optional second positional argument which are the scales that are normally passed to draw when not paginating, but which must be available prior to pagination to fit all scales accordingly.

v0.8.14 - 2025-01-16

  • Added automatic alpha forwarding to all legend elements which will have an effect from Makie 0.22.1 on #588.

  • Added the ability to use multiple different X and Y scales within one facet layout. The requirement is that not more than one X and Y scale is used per facet. Row, Col and Layout scales got the ability to set show_labels = false in scales. Also added the zerolayer function which can be used as a basis to build up the required mappings iteratively #586.

  • Increased compat to Makie 0.22 and GeometryBasics 0.5 #587.

  • Increased compat to Colors 0.13 #589.

v0.8.13 - 2024-10-21

  • Added aesthetics for Stairs #573.

v0.8.12 - 2024-10-07

  • Added legend keyword in visual to allow overriding legend element attributes #570.

v0.8.11 - 2024-09-25

  • Fixed lexicographic natural sorting of tuples (this would fall back to default sort order before) #568.

v0.8.10 - 2024-09-24

  • Fixed markercolor in ScatterLines legends when it did not match color #567.

v0.8.9 - 2024-09-24

  • Added ability to include layers in the legend without using scales by adding visual(label = "some label") #565.

v0.8.8 - 2024-09-17

  • Fixed aesthetics of errorbar so that x and y stay labelled correctly when using direction = :x #560.

  • Added ability to specify title, subtitle and footnotes plus settings in the draw function #556.

  • Added dodge_x and dodge_y keywords to mapping that allow to dodge any plot types that have AesX or AesY data #558.

v0.8.7 - 2024-09-06

  • Added ability to return ProcessedLayers from transformations, thereby enabling multi-layer transformations, such as scatter plus errorbars #549.

  • Fixed bug where mergesorted applied on string vectors used isless instead of natural sort #553.

v0.8.6 - 2024-09-02

  • Added bar_labels to BarPlot's aesthetic mapping #544.

  • Added ability to hide legend or colorbar by passing, e.g., legend = (; show = false) to draw #547.

v0.8.5 - 2024-08-27

  • Added presorted helper function to keep categorical data in the order encountered in the source table, instead of sorting it alphabetically #529.

  • Added from_continuous helper function which allows to sample continuous colormaps evenly to use them as categorical palettes without having to specify how many categories there are #541.

v0.8.4 - 2024-08-26

  • Added fillto to BarPlot aesthetics #535.

  • Fixed bug when giving datalimits of density as a (low, high) tuple #536.

  • Fixed bug where facet-local continuous scale limits were used instead of the globally merged ones, possibly leading to mismatches between data and legend #539.

v0.8.3 - 2024-08-23

  • Fixed incorrect x/y axis assignment for the violin plot type #528.

v0.8.2 - 2024-08-21

  • Enable use of LaTeXStrings and rich text in renamer #525.

  • Fixed widths of boxplots with color groupings #524.

v0.8.1 - 2024-08-20

  • Added back support for Hist, CrossBar, ECDFPlot and Density #522.

v0.8.0 - 2024-07-26

  • Breaking: Columns with element types of Union{Missing,T} are not treated as categorical by default anymore, instead T decides if data is seen as categorical, continuous or geometrical. If you relied on numerical vectors with missings being treated as categorical, you can use :columnname => nonnumeric in the mapping instead.

  • Breaking: AbstractString categories are now sorted with natural sort order by default. This means that where you got ["1", "10", "2"] before, you now get ["1", "2", "10"]. You can use sorter, the categories keyword or categorical arrays to sort your data differently if needed.

v0.7.0 - 2024-07-16

  • Breaking: The palette keyword of draw linking palettes to keyword arguments was removed. Instead, palettes need to be passed to specific scales like draw(..., scales(Color = (; palette = :Set1_3)))

  • Breaking: All recipes need to have the new function aesthetic_mapping defined for all sets of positional arguments that should be supported, as can be seen in src/aesthetics.jl. This breaks usage of all custom recipes. Additionally, not all Makie plots have been ported to the new system yet. If you encounter missing plots, or missing attributes of already ported plots, please open an issue.

  • Breaking: All custom recipes that should be displayed in a legend, need to have legend_elements(P, attributes, scale_args) defined as can be seen in src/guides/legend.jl. AlgebraOfGraphics cannot use the same default mechanism as Makie, which can create a legend from an existing plot, because AlgebraOfGraphics needs to create the legend before the plot is instantiated.

  • Breaking: Pregrouped data cannot be passed anymore to the plain mapping(...) without any data(tabular). Instead, you should use pregrouped(...) which is a shortcut for data(Pregrouped()) * mapping(...).

  • Breaking: Contour and Contourf generally do not work anymore with visual(). Instead, the contours() and filled_contours() analyses should be used. Contour can still be used with categorical colors, but not with continuous ones.

  • Breaking: All colormap properties for continuous color scales need to be passed via scales now, and not through visual. This is to have central control over the scale as it can be used by multiple visuals simultaneously.

  • Horizontal barplots, violins, errorbars, rangebars and other plot types that have two different orientations work correctly now. Axis labels switch accordingly when the orientation is changed.

  • Plotting functions whose positional arguments don't correspond to X, Y, Z work correctly now. For example, HLines (1 => Y) or rangebars (1 => X, 2 => Y, 3 => Y).

  • It is possible to add categories beyond those present in the data with the categories keyword within a scale's settings. It is also possible to reorder or otherwise transform the existing categories by passing a function to categories.

  • The supported attributes are not limited anymore to a specific set of names, for example, strokecolor can work the same as color did before, and the two can share a scale via their shared aesthetic type.

  • There can be multiple scales of the same aesthetic now. This allows to have separate legends for different plot types using the same aesthetics. Scale separation works by pairing a variable in mapping with a scale(id_symbol).

  • Legend entries can be reordered using the legend = (; order = ...) option in draw. Specific scales can opt out of the legend by passing legend = false in scales.

  • Labels can now be anything that Makie supports, primarily Strings, LaTeXStrings or rich text.

  • Legend elements now usually reflect all attributes set in their corresponding visual.

  • Simple column vectors of data can now be passed directly to mapping without using data first. Additionally, scalar values are accepted as a shortcut for columns with the same repeated value.

  • Columns from outside a table source in data can now be passed to mapping by wrapping them in the direct function. Scalar values are accepted as a shortcut for columns with the same repeated value. For example, to create a label for columns x and y from a dataframe passed to data, one could now do mapping(:x, :y, color = direct("label")) without having to create a column full of "label" strings first.

  • The numbers at which categorical values are plotted on x and y axis can now be changed via scales(X = (; palette = [1, 2, 4])) or similar.

  • Continuous marker size scales can now be shown in the legend. Numerical values are proportional to area and not diameter now, which makes more sense with respect to human perception. The min and max marker size can be set using the sizerange property for the respective scale in scales.

v0.6.11 - 2022-08-08

  • Added paginate for pagination of large facet plots.

v0.6.8 - 2022-06-14

  • Added choropleth recipe to supersede geodata for geographical data.

v0.6.1 - 2022-01-28

  • Support level in linear analysis for confidence interval.

  • Replaced tuples and named tuples in Layer and Entry with dictionaries from Dictionaries.jl.

  • Split internal Entry type into ProcessedLayer (to be used for analyses) and Entry (to be used for plotting).

v0.6.0 - 2021-10-24

  • Breaking: Default axis linking behavior has changed: now only axes corresponding to the same variable are linked. For consistency with row/col, layout will hide decorations of linked axes and span axis labels if appropriate.

  • Customizable legend and colorbar position and look.

  • Customizable axis linking behavior.

v0.5 - 2021-08-05

  • Breaking: Axis(ae) has been replaced by ae.axis.

  • Breaking: Legend(fg) has been replaced by legend!(fg) and colorbar!(fg).

  • legend! and colorbar! API allows for custom legend placement.

v0.4 - 2021-05-21

  • Breaking: Removed deprecations for style and spec (now only mapping and visual are allowed).

  • Breaking: Analyses now require parentheses (i.e. linear() instead of linear).

  • Breaking: Rename layout_x and layout_y to col and row.

  • Breaking: Rename wts keyword argument to weights.

  • Breaking: categorical has been replaced by nonnumeric.