Getting started ๐ง โ
This is a gentle and lighthearted tutorial on how to use tools from AlgebraOfGraphics, using as example dataset a collection of measurements on penguins[1]. See the Palmer penguins website for more information.
To follow along this tutorial, you will need to install a few packages. All the required packages can be installed with the following command.
julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add(["AlgebraOfGraphics", "CairoMakie", "DataFrames", "LIBSVM", "PalmerPenguins"])
After the above command completes, we are ready to go.
using PalmerPenguins, DataFrames
penguins = dropmissing(DataFrame(PalmerPenguins.load()))
first(penguins, 6)
Frequency plots โ
Let us start by getting a rough idea of how the data is distributed.
Due to julia's compilation model, the first plot may take a while to appear.
using AlgebraOfGraphics, CairoMakie
axis = (width = 225, height = 225)
penguin_frequency = data(penguins) * frequency() * mapping(:species)
draw(penguin_frequency; axis = axis)
Small intermezzo: saving the plot โ
If you are working in an interactive enviroment with inline plotting support, such VSCode or Pluto.jl, the above should have displayed a bar plot. If you are working directly in the console, you can simply save the plot and inspect it in the file explorer.
fg = draw(penguin_frequency; axis = axis)
save("figure.png", fg, px_per_unit = 3) # save high-resolution png
Styling by categorical variables โ
Next, let us see whether the distribution is the same across islands.
plt = penguin_frequency * mapping(color = :island)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Oops! The bars are in the same spot and are hiding each other. We need to specify how we want to fix this. Bars can either dodge
each other, or be stack
ed on top of each other.
plt = penguin_frequency * mapping(color = :island, dodge = :island)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
This is our first finding. Adelie
is the only species of penguins that can be found on all three islands. To be able to see both which species is more numerous and how different species are distributed across islands in a unique plot, we could have used stack
plt = penguin_frequency * mapping(color = :island, stack = :island)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Correlating two variables โ
Now that we have understood the distribution of these three penguin species, we can start analyzing their features.
penguin_bill = data(penguins) * mapping(:bill_length_mm, :bill_depth_mm)
draw(penguin_bill; axis = axis)
We would actually prefer to visualize these measures in centimeters, and to have cleaner axes labels. As we want this setting to be preserved in all of our bill
visualizations, let us save it in the variable penguin_bill
, to be reused in subsequent plots.
penguin_bill = data(penguins) * mapping(
:bill_length_mm => (t -> t / 10) => "bill length (cm)",
:bill_depth_mm => (t -> t / 10) => "bill depth (cm)",
draw(penguin_bill; axis = axis)
Much better! Note the parentheses around the function t -> t / 10
. They are necessary to specify that the function maps t
to t / 10
, and not to t / 10 => "bill length (cm)"
There does not seem to be a strong correlation between the two dimensions, which is odd. Maybe dividing the data by species will help.
plt = penguin_bill * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Ha! Within each species, penguins with a longer bill also have a deeper bill. We can confirm that with a linear regression
plt = penguin_bill * linear() * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
This unfortunately no longer shows our data! We can use +
to plot both things on top of each other:
plt = penguin_bill * linear() * mapping(color = :species) + penguin_bill * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Note that the above expression seems a bit redundant, as we wrote the same thing twice. We can "factor it out" as follows
plt = penguin_bill * (linear() + mapping()) * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
where mapping()
is a neutral multiplicative element. Of course, the above could be refactored as
layers = linear() + mapping()
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
We could actually take advantage of the spare mapping()
and use it to pass some extra info to the scatter, while still using all the species members to compute the linear fit.
layers = linear() + mapping(marker = :sex)
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
This plot is getting a little bit crowded. We could instead show female and male penguins in separate subplots.
layers = linear() + mapping(col = :sex)
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
See how both plots show the same fit, because the sex
mapping is not applied to linear()
. The following on the other hand produces a separate fit for males and females:
layers = linear() + mapping()
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species, col = :sex)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Smooth density plots โ
An alternative approach to understanding how two variables interact is to consider their joint probability density distribution (pdf).
using AlgebraOfGraphics: density
plt = penguin_bill * density(npoints=50) * mapping(col = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
The default colormap is multi-hue, but it is possible to pass single-hue colormaps as well. The color range is inferred from the data by default, but it can also be passed manually. Both settings are passed via scales
to draw
, because multiple plots can share the same colormap, so visual
is not the appropriate place for this setting.
draw(plt, scales(Color = (; colormap = :grayC, colorrange = (0, 6))); axis = axis)
We could also use a Contour
plot instead:
axis = (width = 225, height = 225)
layer = density() * visual(Contour)
plt = penguin_bill * layer * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
The data and the linear fit can also be added back to the plot:
layers = density() * visual(Contour) + linear() + mapping()
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
In the case of many layers (contour, density and scatter) it is important to think about balance. In the above plot, the markers are quite heavy and can obscure the linear fit and the contour lines. We can lighten the markers using alpha transparency.
layers = density() * visual(Contour) + linear() + visual(alpha = 0.5)
plt = penguin_bill * layers * mapping(color = :species)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Correlating three variables โ
We are now mostly up to speed with bill
size, but we have not considered how it relates to other penguin features, such as their weight. For that, a possible approach is to use a continuous color on a gradient to denote weight and different marker shapes to denote species. Here we use group
to split the data for the linear regression without adding any additional style.
body_mass = :body_mass_g => (t -> t / 1000) => "body mass (kg)"
layers = linear() * mapping(group = :species) + mapping(color = body_mass, marker = :species)
plt = penguin_bill * layers
draw(plt; axis = axis)
plt = penguin_bill * mapping(body_mass, color = :species, layout = :sex)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Note that static 3D plot can be misleading, as they only show one projection of 3D data. They are mostly useful when shown interactively.
Machine Learning โ
Finally, let us use Machine Learning techniques to build an automated penguin classifier!
We would like to investigate whether it is possible to predict the species of a penguin based on its bill size. To do so, we will use a standard classifier technique called Support-Vector Machine.
The strategy is quite simple. We split the data into training and testing subdatasets. We then train our classifier on the training dataset and use it to make predictions on the whole data. We then add the new columns obtained this way to the dataset and visually inspect how well the classifier performed in both training and testing.
using LIBSVM, Random
# use approximately 80% of penguins for training
Random.seed!(1234) # for reproducibility
N = nrow(penguins)
train = fill(false, N)
perm = randperm(N)
train_idxs = perm[1:floor(Int, 0.8N)]
train[train_idxs] .= true
# fit model on training data and make predictions on the whole dataset
X = hcat(penguins.bill_length_mm, penguins.bill_depth_mm)
y = penguins.species
model = SVC() # Support-Vector Machine Classifier
fit!(model, X[train, :], y[train])
ลท = predict(model, X)
# incorporate relevant information in the dataset
penguins.train = train
penguins.predicted_species = yฬ
Now, we have all the columns we need to evaluate how well our classifier performed.
axis = (width = 225, height = 225)
dataset =:train => renamer(true => "training", false => "testing") => "Dataset"
accuracy = (:species, :predicted_species) => isequal => "accuracy"
plt = data(penguins) *
expectation() *
mapping(:species, accuracy) *
mapping(col = dataset)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
That is a bit hard to read, as all values are very close to 1
. Let us visualize the error rate instead.
error_rate = (:species, :predicted_species) => !isequal => "error rate"
plt = data(penguins) *
expectation() *
mapping(:species, error_rate) *
mapping(col = dataset)
draw(plt; axis = axis)
So, mostly our classifier is doing quite well, but there are some mistakes, especially among Chinstrap
penguins. Using at the same time the species
and predicted_species
mappings on different attributes, we can see which penguins are problematic.
prediction = :predicted_species => "predicted species"
datalayer = mapping(color = prediction, row = :species, col = dataset)
plt = penguin_bill * datalayer
draw(plt; axis = axis)
Um, some of the penguins are indeed being misclassified... Let us try to understand why by adding an extra layer, which describes the density of the distributions of the three species.
pdflayer = density() * visual(Contour, colormap=Reverse(:grays)) * mapping(group = :species)
layers = pdflayer + datalayer
plt = penguin_bill * layers
draw(plt; axis = axis)
We can conclude that the classifier is doing a reasonable job: it is mostly making mistakes on outlier penguins.