
Source code Author

using AlgebraOfGraphics, CairoMakie

Facet grid

df = let
    N = 100
    x0 = rand(1:10, N)
    i = rand(["α", "β"], N)
    j = rand(["a", "b", "c"], N)

    x = map(zip(x0, j)) do (xx, jj)
        shift = jj == "a" ? -2.9 : jj == "c" ? 2.9 : 0.0
        xx + shift

    y = map(zip(x0, i)) do (xx, ii)
        shift = ii == "α" ? -3.9 : 3.9
        xx + 2 + shift + rand()

    (; x, y, i, j)

plt = data(df) * mapping(:x, :y, row=:i, col=:j)


Facet grid with minimal axes linking needed to remove ticks

draw(plt, facet=(; linkxaxes=:minimal, linkyaxes=:minimal))

Facet grid with unlinked x-axes

draw(plt, facet=(; linkxaxes=:none))

Facet wrap

df = (x=rand(100), y=rand(100), l=rand(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e"], 100))
plt = data(df) * mapping(:x, :y, layout=:l)

Facet wrap with unlinked axes

draw(plt, facet=(; linkxaxes=:none, linkyaxes=:none))

Facet wrap with specified layout for rows and cols

draw(plt, scales(Layout = (; palette = [(1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)])))

Adding traces to only some subplots

df1 = (x=rand(100), y=rand(100), i=rand(["a", "b", "c"], 100), j=rand(["d", "e", "f"], 100))
df2 = (x=[0, 1], y=[0.5, 0.5], i=fill("a", 2), j=fill("e", 2))
layers = data(df1) * visual(Scatter) + data(df2) * visual(Lines)
fg = draw(layers * mapping(:x, :y, col=:i, row=:j))


The faceting variable must be non-numeric. If the source is numeric, you can convert it with nonnumeric.

df = (x=rand(100), y=rand(100), l=rand([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 100))
plt = data(df) * mapping(:x, :y, layout=:l => nonnumeric)


If you have too many facets for one figure, you can use paginate to split the data into several subsets given a maximum number of plots per layout, row or column.

Note that pagination is considered an experimental feature. In the current implementation, scales and layouts are not synchronized across pages. This means that, e.g., linked limits on one page are not influenced by limits of other pages. The exact synchronization behavior can be subject to change in non-breaking versions.

df = (x=rand(500), y=rand(500), l=rand(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h"], 500))
plt = data(df) * mapping(:x, :y, layout=:l)
pag = paginate(plt, layout = 4)
PaginatedLayers with 2 entries (layout = 4)

The object returned from draw will be a Vector{FigureGrid}.

figuregrids = draw(pag)
2-element Vector{AlgebraOfGraphics.FigureGrid}:

You can either extract single figures from this vector...


or use draw with an optional second argument specifying the index of the page to draw.

draw(pag, 2)

This page was generated using DemoCards.jl and Literate.jl.